Friday, October 16, 2009

Speaking to me

Yesterday I never turned on the ipod, we cleaned and ran soem errand in the morning and were late getting to bed to take naps and in my hurry to get the twins into bed I forgot to turn on the stereo and it wasn't until everyone was asleep that i realized it wasn't on and I feared turning it on would wake them up so I sat in the silence (something I don't do very often) and I can honestly tell you, I didn't like it, I didn't like it one bit.

I like hearing the music, I enjoy the melody of the nearly all the church songs, whether they be hymns, primary songs, or the few Young Women songs I have downloaded to my iPod, I enjoy all of them.

I have noticed that most the time when it plays a scripture that I just listen to the tones and have no real idea what they are talking about, but I have also noticed that if I am trying to think about a situation or what I should do or what needs to happen I not only begin listening to the words but everytime the words are exactly what I feel God would want me to hear and do, which seems a little captain obvious of me, but some one had to say it.

I know how it is always beign said that the scriptures can speak to you, and that you can take from them what God wants you to know--I guess it wasn't until I downloaded everything to my ipod and listened to it that I remembered just how true that was. Needless to say, this morning was a tid bit choatic and I didn't get to turn the stereo on until nap time, but I didn't forget it this time, and as i sit here listening to the words and the songs I can't help but wonder just how I survived the last 25 yrs of my life without this constant reminder of Gods love for me--OK, so maybe that is a little strong, because God shows me he loves me in many different ways and so I don't need my Ipod and this music to remind me of Gods love for me, it just seems to be the cliff notes of all the religious lessons I have learned.

I do find it awfully funny that when the music isn't on and i am faced with a choice there is usually a song stuck in my head, or a phrase I think of from a song that helps me to answer the question or to make the choice--Just the other day i was going through some movies and saw one i have wanted to watch with John for a long time and was going to suggest we watch that one together, but before I could somethign promted me to check the rating, it was R rated (now know that years ago we got rid of all our R and unrated--well not the kids cartoon unrated, but you know what I mean--movies, we didn't own any "adult" movies or we would have gotten rid of those too) and being the type of movie it is I knew it was R rated because it probably had a steamy bedroom scene in it, John and I are both adults and so it wouldn't be so bad if we watched it and just fastforwarded through that scene, I mean I was a CNA for how long, it isn't like I haven't seen a ton of naked bodies--as i sat trying to convince myself that it was still ok for us to watch that movie knowing it was R rated the words to a song popped into my head about how it is up to me to choose what I let into my house, whether it be good or bad I have to choose, and that is when I realized that I already have "flashbacks" of showering old men and I didn't need anymore images of naked people in my head and therefore the movie had to go.

So, in what ways have you noticed the spirit is trying to talk to you? or in what ways have you been promted to choose the right?

Also, do you think the R rated movie I spoke of before (Romeo in love, i think is the title) should become a white elephant gift or should it just be thrown away? what would you do with it?

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About Us

Tyler, Texas, United States
We dated in High School off and on, and despite all the on again off agains of our relationship we "ran" to Vegas and were married May 10th, 2003 in a Vegas Wedding Chapel shortly after my niece Cathrine was baptized. We were later sealed Dec. 27, 2005 in the Salt Lake City Temple, that was our family Christmas present. We Had our loving son Dec. 15, 2004 (he came a month early but was pretty much perfectly fine). We moved from Salt Lake City, UT on 6/6/06 and arrived in Tyler, TX 3 long days later and have decided to stay put