Friday, October 23, 2009

Changes to Comments

You know it very much saddens me when i put forth effort and pour out my heart for the world to see and the only comments I get in response i get are not only negative (and use what I would consider rather inappropriate language for a blog of this nature) but also are left by Mr/s Annonymous.

Does this hurt me because they touched a nerve with the harsh judgements they made? Does it hurt me because I am sensitive? Does it hurt be because I am trying to please everyone? and to be truthfully honest, I do not believe that I am hurt for any of the above reasons. I want to take a minute and share just why I am hurt.

I may not blog regularly, or as often as some may think that I need to, I may take vacations from blogging as despite popular belief I do actually get rather busy at times and have a life outside of this blog, but even when I am not posting I am constantly thinking about things I can blog about. This blog, although it is probably my worst blog in most people's opinion, is actually the blog I hold most sacred, because it is where I come and spill my heart and soul, where I share my thoughts and my beliefs. This has been particularly hard for me to do because I know all to well how quickly people can judge one another, and for that reason I have spent my life trying to hide my religion from others.

It wasn't until recent years that I have been open to strangers about my religion. Being that I belong to a rather unique church that many people do not understand I have had some good responses and some very negative responses when people find out that I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I feel bad for those who judge harshly without knowledge of what they are judging but realize also that by hiding away my religion I have only helped Satan by not working to help educate others about my religion.

Now, I have said it before and I will say it again, I am by no means a scholar when it comes to church doctrine. I once had to have a Bishop explain what the Word of Wisdom was--I lived by it but didn't know that was what it was called. Due to medical reasons I have nearly forgot everything I learned from the religious classes I took in High school and College, I couldn't tell you which books are in the New Testament or the Old Testament, or even the book of mormon. I know abotu stories, like when they didn't have enough bread to feed the people and yet after they passed it around and everyone ate till they were full they still had the same amount of bread they had in the beginning, I know about that storie, but I couldn't tell you where to find it or any major details. I am not trying to preach and I am not trying to demand everyone to repentance.

So why am I do this blog? Because I feel strongly that through this blog I can grow in my religion and gain a better understanding of not only my religion but also gain a better respect for other's religions. I believe that if this site becomes what I want it to that it can not only help me to grow spiritually but it can also help others to better understand a very confusing religion. I don't plan on this site changing anyone's life (well I expect it will definitely improve my own, but other than that) but I would hope that those who read it will at least help me to reach my goals.

When I changed this site I knew many would have harsh things to say about it and I already expressed that I don't care if you don't like it, I am not doing this for everyone and not everyone will like it, I am ok with that. It is perfectly fine if you visit my site, read a sentence or 2 and leave and never return--I am not out to save the world, it isn't my responsability to make sure everyone visits this site daily, to have that expectation would be unrealistic. It is between you and whoever you believe in (be it God or some other entity or being) and so if you don't like my site I wish you luck--I have 4 other sites you can visit and if none of those sites impress you then it just wasn't meant to be and I do hope you find a blog that suits you. It is your choice whether you read my blog or not, as it is my choice to post like I want.

Now, back to the negative comments left--if you don't like that I don't always use spell check (which I find rather commical that people nit pick about spelling in a day and age when people text words like 'txt me l8er' and yet that is perfectly acceptable, but heaven forbid I misspell a word cause then nobody i able to understand what I am saying--get over it) please just quit visiting my blog, don't sit and post annonymous comments informing me how crappy my spelling abilities are--I know they are crappy, and it isn't my inability to spell, it is my inability to type, not to mention I am still trying to learn how to use this newfangled laptop that is has such a sensitive mouse pad that anytime my thumb huffers over it moves and relocates where I am typing and therefore one minute I will be typing at the bottom of the page and then I am typing at the top of the page, I usually can locate where it went to but sometimes not and therefore if I cannot locate it I cannot correct it.

I don't know if anybody who reads this site has visited my medical blog, but incase you know nothing about my medical issues, I have issues with my muscles and controlling movements that others would find simple, yet to me they are impossible--this is something new in my life and I am slowly (very slowly) learning how to deal with it, but I thank the great Lord above daily that I am still a live and that for the most part I am extremely healthy and able to do a lot of things, even if it has limited my typing ability and usually the reason why a lot of my words have letters turned around (so instead of what I might type whta, or anything ending in ing ends up with ign, I have very much worked on locating and correcting those errors, but sometimes they are overlooked). So for those of you who are understanding, I do apologize, I am working on it and I appreciate your continued support, for those of you who think my site 'sucks' because I can't spell--get over it or get off my site!

I'm sorry, my world doesn't revovle around Mr/s annonymous. Maybe if you had enough decency to sign your name to your comments I might care a little bit more about what you say, but since you don't even dare to face me then I don't care about your opinion. I find I only have to answer to myself and God, not to Mr/s Annonymous and for that reason I have banned Mr/s Annonymous from commenting because unless you are willing to put your name to your negative comments I don't want to hear them.

Now concerning my use of commas instead of periods--a period is to be placed at the end of a thought, I have add and so my thoughts continue on, sometimes never ending, and so I use commas, because I have to give people a chance to breathe. Again, if this issue is such a big issue that it makes my blog 'suck', in your opinion, then please don't bother returning because even if I was to correct this you would still find something else to nit pick at so either get over it or don't return.

Now that I have gotten that out of my system, I do want to encourage you all who now cannot comment because Mr/s annonymous ruined it for everyone else, there is still an open ID options, but if that option is abused then I will be forced to take it away also.

I also want to take a moment and point out that I am always asking others for their opinions, and I want an honest opinion whether it be positive or negative, I don't mind being told that I have a lot of Typos, I don't mind being told I need to use periods more--it doesn't bother me, honestly. Like I said, my feelings aren't hurt by what was said, it was by whome said it--if you are going to be a critic, atleast be willing to sign your name to it, because I have to know who is saying it so I can judge just hwo reliable it is, and if you comment as annonymous as far as I am concerned you aren't worth listening to. When I see annonymous I see somebody sitting amongst filth and missing most their teeth, someone with little education and who is just pulling stuff out of their butt to be hear themselves think and to upset others--and to Mr/s annonymous, I don't care for your kind here, ya hear, I want this site to promote spirituality not satanism, I want this site to be uplifting and positive, not full of negativity, so please don't come back until you are willing to play nice.

Also, I know I used this word in this post, but please do not use words like "suck" unless you are talking about a baby sucking a bottle or something similar, my site does not suck, it doesn't have lips to suck with. This post is meant to be uplifting and if derrogatory comments are being left it effects the spirit of the blog, no cus words, no bible bashing, no, no, no! If you can't be an adult and can't think of better words to use then please just don't use any--it doesn't make me look bad when you say my site sucks, really it only makes you look bad, so just don't do it.

well, I have other things to do than to continue on about how to properly post comments, but really all I am asking is for a little consideration, respect, and a lot of love!

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About Us

Tyler, Texas, United States
We dated in High School off and on, and despite all the on again off agains of our relationship we "ran" to Vegas and were married May 10th, 2003 in a Vegas Wedding Chapel shortly after my niece Cathrine was baptized. We were later sealed Dec. 27, 2005 in the Salt Lake City Temple, that was our family Christmas present. We Had our loving son Dec. 15, 2004 (he came a month early but was pretty much perfectly fine). We moved from Salt Lake City, UT on 6/6/06 and arrived in Tyler, TX 3 long days later and have decided to stay put