Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wild Card Wednesday

I have had little use for my guad since my vision got so bad that I
couldn't read the words without straining, it was a gift for me when I was in
High school attending seminary, a smaller set of scriptures that I could carry
around easier in my backpack, my name (maiden name ofcourse) in on the blue
cover that raps around it and buckles as so it's cover makes a handy case.
This quad is actually my son's favorite book and I often catch him flipping
through the pages and he begs me to please read him the scriputes (it melts my
heart everytime he says scriptures, it seems like such a big word for a little
boy like him to understand, but he does and I think that is so great), either
way, I kind of wish he was up right now so I could read this outloud to him, I
often don't read this particular set of scriptures, because like I said the
script is so small but it is the only set that has all 4 books in one (hence why
it is referred to as a quad) so please please forgive me if I read something
wrong...well here I go, opening it up and randomly picking a scripture that I
will hopefully be able to incorprate into my life--Oh wait, I forgot to pray, my
dad once told me if I pray before reading my scriptures I will get more from
what I read, so please lets all take a minute and say a little

OK....oh I am so nervous to see which scripture I get....

I am impressed because this is what I read...psalms 71

"In thee. O Lord, do I put my trust: Let me never be put to confusion."

I think that is the perfect scripture to start this out with because I am putting my trust in the Lord that he will guide me to understand the scriptures more fully so that I won't be confused--boy, I always find it so amazing that even when you just flip through and randomly find a scripture how well it seems to fit--don't believe me, try it for yourself, and while you do that I am going to continue to see what the other verses in Psalms 71 reads....

Ok, I don't really have to type out all of Psalms 71, and since it is in the Old Testament I am sure you all can go and look it up, but since I myself am a rather lazy person and, had my son not recently began requesting that we read our scritpures, usually don't know where my scriptures are I decided to make it easy on you all, so I went to and clicked on the "Prepare a Lesson" link/button which took me to a page and in rather small print (compared to all the rest) I found the "Old Testament" link on the right hand side close to the top, so I clicked on that which opened another page, where I clicked on Psalms, and then on 71 and low and behold there was the scripture, incase you don't want to do all that clicking, here is the link but incase that link didn't work for you I thought I would share how I found it. The best part about that link is, incase you didn't already know, scholars have researched the scriptures and have found the scriptures that link to the particular scripture you are reading to help you undersand better what it is talking about, and since it is the online version rather than flipping through the book you just click on the word (like chapter 3, where the word Rock has a little a above it on the left hand side, click there) and it instandly links you to other scriptures--try it, I think that is amazing.

anyhow, back to the scripture at hand, I think it is neat how in verse 12 he says, "Oh God be thou not far from me: Oh my God, make haste for my help" granted I thought all the scriptures were good but as I glanced back at them this one stood out, do we not all want to be close to the Lord? Do we all not want his protection, his comfort, his guidance? I surely do, I don't know about you, but I know that without God in my life my life is nothing. He also asks for him to "Make hast for my help", now I looked up "make Haste" to make sure I knew exackly what it meant and I found it meant "to move or act swiftly: to hurry" ( which means he was saying "oh my God, 'move or act swiftly: hurry' for my help" which leaves me wondering, is he asking the lord to hurry and help him or telling the Lord he will hurry and help him, his God?

Either way I feel that is a profound thought, because on one hand we are always in a hurry for our blessings, but on the other hand how eager are we to bless the Lord? How eager are we to wake up early and go to church on Sunday? How eager are we to teach a lesson or offer a prayer? How many of us jump at the chance to help the sick and needy? It is through these acts and many others that we are able to help the Lord, and yet how many of us drag our feet? And it is those of us who drag our feet to do these things (as well as many other things that could help the Lord) that so swiftly hastens at the oppertunity to go and hang out with friends at a local club or bar, maybe watch that movie that we tell ourselve's 'isn't so bad afterall, compared to all the rest', or maybe we spend sunday out on the lake 'meditating' while telling yourself you are 'trying to find higher meaning' even though you know you are trying to find bigger fish--with exception to the fisher, are we really helping ourselves by doing these things? Are we helping God? Yet we are so quick to throw God behind us and try and forget about him while we enjoy our lives, Yet so eager for him to put a rush on our blessings when we are in a bind--this is one thing I really need to work on, putting Gods wants/needs before my own, and as selfless as that might seem I know I will be doing it for a rather selfish reason, and that is because I realize when I put God needs/wants before my own God works out the details.

Now as much as I would love to spend the rest of the night picking apart Psalms 71 to find greater meaning, it is almost midnight and my son will be waking up at about 7 am tomorrow morning and since I do have a busy day a head of me I want to leave this with you, asking you to read Psalms 71 and let me know just what you got from it by either commenting or sending me an e-mail at because I always love to hear other's opinions and how others interret scriptures because I feel you get from the scriptures what you put into them and that when you are truly searching for an answer you will find it, even if 4 people find different answers in the same scripture--does that mean 3 of the 4 people misunderstood the scripture? no, I believe it just goes to show that God works in misterious ways. As a reminder, please no bible bashing, I am doing this to find greater meaning, not to be beaten upon by a disbeliever, if you don't like what I am talking about then don't return, but don't take from the spirit with your negativity, please show respect with your comments.

thankyou, and Goodnight

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About Us

Tyler, Texas, United States
We dated in High School off and on, and despite all the on again off agains of our relationship we "ran" to Vegas and were married May 10th, 2003 in a Vegas Wedding Chapel shortly after my niece Cathrine was baptized. We were later sealed Dec. 27, 2005 in the Salt Lake City Temple, that was our family Christmas present. We Had our loving son Dec. 15, 2004 (he came a month early but was pretty much perfectly fine). We moved from Salt Lake City, UT on 6/6/06 and arrived in Tyler, TX 3 long days later and have decided to stay put