Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Changes to This blog

My husband is always complaining "Once I figure out where everything is you change it, you are always changing things" he says, and just to prove it, tonight I have decided to give this blog a make-over, and why not, I mean it isn't like my house is a complete mess (oh, wait, it actually is), it isn't like there will be a ton of kids here tomorrow that I, by myself, will be solely responsible for (oh wait, I will be), I obviously have have nothing better to do than play around on my blog--wait, no, it is 10:30 I could be doing the sensible thing and sleeping, but alas, I am unable to go to sleep because I have too many thoughts running through my head.

Lately a friend of mine started "fatt butt fridays" which made me think it is about time I lose my baby fat (well is it really considered baby fat if the baby is 4 and I already lost most of it only to gain it back? well for my sake we will call it babyfat) and I came up with tuesday and Thursday taebo, but then had a hard time remembering to do that, and thought maybe if I had a few more exercise days I might not forget so easily, so I came up with Mambo Mondays, Tuesday Taebo, wednesday weight lifting, and even thursday Tango--anyhow, I will talk about that on another blog, as for here and now....

I can't sleep because I am bothered, emotionally I have been on a rollercoaster lately, my family is doing ok, but another family we know is going through a rough time which has brought up a lot of questions and emotions for me, and as much as I would like to say their issues aren't bothering me, well they are, and tonight I was thinking how I am all about getting physically into shape but forgetting that I need to be spiritually well as well, and so I started thinking that along side mambo monday I could also have a Mormon Monday, where I read the book of Mormon, as well as Taebo Tuesday I could have New Testament tuesday, and with weight training wednesdays I could have Wild card wednesdays, where I just open my quad and whichever I land on will be what I talk about....Anyhow in short I want to try and study the scriptures more.

Now for members of other religions, this may all sound a little weird, and you may not quite understand what I am talking about, but my religion believe in the bible as well as other Scriptures because the bible can only account for one part of the world while the Book of Mormon talks about accounts that occured in the Americas--Anyhow, if you go to I am sure it will explain it all there. You don't have to believe in the other scriptures like I do, it is my understandign that people of other faiths just look at the Book of Mormon as a book with historical accounts, kind of like the jews now admitting that Jesus Christ was a good person--does that make sense? Either way, what I am trying to say is don't abandom me just because you don't believe in something I am referencing.

I am also going to point out here that I am not a religious freak, nor am I going to share a ton of secrects about things our church holds sacred--I am a normal person who just wants to revamp her spiritual side and add a little more God to my life. And to be truthfully honest, If me quoting scripture is going to drive you away then my semenary teacher was right about now unclean thing can stand in holy grounds (i.e. if you are so offended by me quoting scriptures than that is something you have to take up with the Lord, and if you decide you don't want to return, than this site is probably better off without you)

I do want to mention here that these are my thoughts that I am typing here and not meat to be legal respresentation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, I just claim to be a person who is trying to come closer to God through scripture, so please don't tangle my words or tell bible bash me, I appreciate comments but only uplifting and enlighting ones.

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About Us

Tyler, Texas, United States
We dated in High School off and on, and despite all the on again off agains of our relationship we "ran" to Vegas and were married May 10th, 2003 in a Vegas Wedding Chapel shortly after my niece Cathrine was baptized. We were later sealed Dec. 27, 2005 in the Salt Lake City Temple, that was our family Christmas present. We Had our loving son Dec. 15, 2004 (he came a month early but was pretty much perfectly fine). We moved from Salt Lake City, UT on 6/6/06 and arrived in Tyler, TX 3 long days later and have decided to stay put