Sunday, May 10, 2009

My mother's day miracle

OK, so I am making John clean up right now while I still feel the bliss of a meal gone right. At least a month ago I signed up to feed the missionaries, but there was some sort of a miss hap last month and I cooked a huge meal for them to come one weekend but they were unable to make it (but in all fairness we didn't realize we (me and a friend usually prepare the meals together, she is a single mom and so she has to have a male at the house for them to come and eat, so John is the designated male so we share the responsibility of feeding the missionaries) had signed up 3 weeks in a row, well actually I signed up for one week in the end of one month then signed up for Easter, in the mean time a nurse that treats my friends foster child, who we had invited to eat with us, was unable to come and meet the missionaries but said if we had it the following week that she would love to go, so we signed up to feed them the following week (which ended up being a huge disaster) and then the next week we were to feed them as well, either way, when we figured it out we realized we were being missionary hogs and didn't even realize it, so I wasn't too hurt when they weren't able to make it, I did though feel bad though, that my dad drove all the way from Utah to bring us his truck and we had a defrosted turkey that I didn't make him cause I was saving it to feed the missionaries the next day, then they weren't able to come, so that is why I feel bad...anyhow, that was so confusing even I am lost, so I shall continue with today

So, today started off on a very bad note and I did actually believe all was lost. Today is not only Mother's Day, it is also our 6Th anniversary, and a week ago I made it very clear to John that my expectations where high and that if he screwed this up he would ruin both events for me. I continued to remind him of the importance of this one day, and sure enough last night I discovered he had not only not planned anything big but the one thing I had asked of him he was unable to do, and then the thing I wanted him to do this morning to make up for that he not only complained but he cussed while complaining and I so frustrated that I ended up crying, he though did the make up breakfast--waffles, with fresh strawberries and banana slices and freshly whipped whip cream, and I just am not good at holding a grudge anyways, I have a bad memory.

So we go to church and not only does the primary sing but the priesthood sang with them, they sang love is spoken here, and even though Dominic just stood up there waving at me (he is taking a little longer to understand the whole sing while everybody else sings while we are up here concept, this actually was one of the first times he stood up there with everybody else and didn't run back screaming to me) and as I sat back and saw my little "big boy" up there and then my husband standing not too far away, for the first time I heard nothing at all, just stood there understanding just how happy my life is, despite all the bad, I still have a husband and son that not only love me but will stand up in front of everybody else to prove that love to me.

We ended up leaving 30 minutes early so we could get home to get dinner ready so when the missionaries got here we could eat, since they were in a hurry to get home and call their families, and everything (for the first time in a long time) went smoothly, and we were all able to sit down and eat, we had some laughs, and we were talking about staying out of trouble and my little boy sat at the opposite end of the table from me and told me how he did something and got in trouble, I didn't understand exactly what he said but for the first time that I can remember I realized my son was trying to engage in conversation and he was actually aware of the topic of conversation we were having.

I have been married for 6 years now, and been a mother for a little more than of them, and that dear sweet child of mine has taught me so much, but he is growing so fast. It is definitely bittersweet because, as it looks right now, he will be my only baby. I know that we can adopt and we have already started the process and I look forward to that amazing experience, but I also look at my child and realize I will never be able to know I am not only sharing my body with my child but that i provide his/her nutrients as he/she grows in my tummy. The amazing feeling you have as you feel them kick in your tummy, sometimes it might be painful, but still, to know that this little miracle is taking place in your tummy, I find that amazing. Today has definitely been a bittersweet kind of day because it was 5 years ago today that I my doctor called and confirmed what a home test had told us a few days before, that I was in fact pregnant with a baby that is now engaging in adult conversations about getting into trouble.

Anyhow, I just wanted to get on and wish everybody a very happy Mother's day and that all is going well, and say that even though today got off to a rough start dinner with my family and the missionaries, although brief, made it all better....and to top it all off they are having a house marathon today so that makes up for not getting the cheesecake I was promised, and not only is it fat free but with all the laughing I will be doing from it, I will actually come away skinnier than I would have eating the cheesecake (just don't tell John because he has promised to buy me a cheesecake later so I don't want him to think he doesn't have to do that now, I still want my cheesecake .

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About Us

Tyler, Texas, United States
We dated in High School off and on, and despite all the on again off agains of our relationship we "ran" to Vegas and were married May 10th, 2003 in a Vegas Wedding Chapel shortly after my niece Cathrine was baptized. We were later sealed Dec. 27, 2005 in the Salt Lake City Temple, that was our family Christmas present. We Had our loving son Dec. 15, 2004 (he came a month early but was pretty much perfectly fine). We moved from Salt Lake City, UT on 6/6/06 and arrived in Tyler, TX 3 long days later and have decided to stay put